2022 Life Energy Solutions. Omg! Scalar waves for healing sounds like a novel method of treatment and you may be wondering how exactly scalar waves work within the healing process? This is something that many times I had before, but not ALL THE TIME! Ive never experienced anything like it before!, Last night was the 2nd time I fell asleep to Zen trance. You wont need to use a microscope to feel the stress melting away. "Tonya, I'm using your Neuralsync recordings. If you are one of those people who want to avail the benefits of scalar therapy but dont have all the information, then this blog is for you. Its given me an inner joy that can only be felt to be believed. I had a strong sense of confidence and I was passing that along to prospects in meetings. By the way, I am loving my QSB, am sleeping better, have more energy and have a feeling of calmness. developed according to Nikola Tesla: Tesla BioHealer - Charge & Repair Your Body Cellular Health with Tesla Energy. Here is where you can tap into other people's experiences and offer up your own. No matter what one would like to call it, the application of this energy is intertwined into both Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics. My heart chakra is definitely open more than ever before. If dis-ease was a weed, then the QSB is the perfect tool to loosen the soil so it can easily be removed. Here is one experience from Stacy Sun I have used Spooky2 Scalar treating my breast problem and used Spooky2 Scalar for my sisters Lung Cancer with great success. With Scalar Harmony, you can now receive soothing musical tones and meditative beats via scalar energy for a more refreshing experience. Thanks for blending two different energies into one amazing product. This is the best non-drug solution for your body healing. Helps with arthritis and injuries. The Upgrade pack allows you to be part of the QSB community committed to comparing and sharing. ", "I have been listening to it since I've recovered from COVID two months ago. I have downloaded all your samples. Harvey Sweeney: My salivary gland tumor has miraculously disappeared after using Spooky2 Scalar, Jaime Tacher: My unbelievable healing journey with Spooky2 Scalar, Masaki Miyagawa: 4 Big Reasons Why I Choose Spooky2 Scalar. 2. I have just done my first glorious healing treatment with the QSB and it has already helped with with the stress levels, which is similar to a lot of us who have lost jobs, homes and family due to not being vaxxd. Scalar waves are three-dimensional self-contained waves that spin on one fixed axis. Merrilyn NZ, Includes: 1 x QSB, 1x Universal Power Supply, Instructions. It is basically the energy that remains when all other sources of energy are removed. God bless you. Tesla endeavored to bring scalar energy to the mainstream by positing that scalar energy is one of natures primal forces because it is free, renewable, and exists everywhere just like air. More importantly, this includes an ALL ACCESS INDEFINITE PASS to our information-packed Forum and all future webinars and seminars on subjects relating to the QSB and healing. I wanted to tell you about some of the interesting things that I noticed in my session! The first person to observe and document them is Scottish scientist James Clark Maxwell, born in 1831. Scalar waves promote profound healing because they operate at a frequency range that aligns with the Schumann Resonance (the heartbeat of our planet that we tap into when grounding ourselves). Our energy junkie cat soon found us and had to join in too. ", "NeuralSync is by FAR the most superior of ALL brainwave entrainment audios. "Thank You for the beautiful WAV file and the updates! At first, I didnt notice anything ground breaking. They are also called longitudinal waves that contain two identical electromagnetic waves, which have the same frequency but are opposite to each other, resulting in the formation of stationary energy. As a woman in my seventies, they can take a little longer. Some benefits of using the bracelet includes: It even heals annoying mosquito bites! Enjoy the care and joy that went into the production of each one. Scalar Energy Healing - The Healing Universe "Absolutely fabulous product as always Tonya!!! New to Scalar Energy Healing? See my Experience here, To See a full comparison of these Pendants Click Below, These wands are good for targeting a specific area for pain relief and providing you with much needed energy. Scalar waves have always been on Earth since the beginning of time. ", "Absolutely fabulous product as always Tonya!!! By harnessing the Schumann Resonances and running them through the Scalar Qi, you can simulate their natural state and utilize them for healing, allowing you to: These benefits are immensely effective in helping to reverse numerous serious health conditions including chronic pain, migraines, and arthritis. Star Trek - style healing and de-stress technology. Standard Disclaimer: None of the information or products on this site are a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Hololiminal audio for 6 months now. To Find out more about these two Scalar Bracelets Click Below. Value for money while $1000 seemed fairly expensive at first, Ive seen what I think are very similar products from America selling for $3-4k, and I can compare it very favourably with several other types of theraputic treatments Ive tried. It also helps in neutralizing harmful man-made electromagnetic frequencies and radiations that are associated with the human body. Grounding, also known as earthing is a therapeutic technique that allows you to practice activities that ground or electrically reconnect individuals to the earth. It is in this state that true healing can happen at a causal level. Scalar energy healing also helps in cleansing your blood cells that helps your cells function better and at full strength. Transverse waves are the part of the EMF that can be measured by meters, because they exist fully in 3-space (three-dimensional space) and are easily measurable. ), and sometimes I just seem to lie in a zen state for an hour but not actually asleep. Balance both hemispheres of the brain (known as super-learning) Catalyze heightened states of awareness and creativity. Scalar energy healing makes use of scalar waves to improve the overall wellness and health of individuals. It is the study of electro-magnetic waves that occupy empty space between atoms throughout our universe. $ 1,199.00. When targeting these highly Specific frequencies it infused beneficial vibrations which cleans and rejuvenates the bodies energy field. Phew, that was a lot of information! All Scalar Light sessions are administered exclusively upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. All rights reserved. National Heart Month: The Top 3 Benefits of Nitric Oxide for Heart Health. Theyre often referred to when talking about quantum physics, but the main point to keep in mind is that these waves are a natural form of energy thats shaped like an hourglass. My friend who has Crones disease is gong to come over next week and give it a try. The QSB - Quantum Scalar Box | Life Energy Designs One of our users said that he can save about $25,000 a month using Spooky2 Scalar instead of going to hospital. Scalar Soul Session Intentional Self Healing Journal: "I am unified in Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar and Rife scalar. The QSB is a trail-blazer for this new paradigm. To learn more about getting started with scalar wave healing today, read our blog. We dont make any claims for specific results concerning any physical or mental condition, but we can say that shaking things up energetically with key frequencies to overcome unwanted obstacles, like unconscious patterns, early childhood conditioning, and trauma, allows your own healing abilities to move you towards complete health and well-being. It is pre-programmed with the solfeggio healing frequencies but capable of producing custom frequencies with our up-grade pack. However, due to recent advancements in this field of science, an affordable at-home option is now available. Normally sold exclusively to practitioners, frequency-based therapeutic devices usually are sold for tens of thousands of dollars. ", "Hi Tonya, thanks for being so responsive. No matter what one would like to call it, the application of this energy is intertwined into both Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics. This way we will quickly generate a major resource of information for everyone's benefit. Add to this the stress which we carry from traumatic events in our formative years and even stress passed down in our genes from our forbearers' traumas (scientists have shown that this can pass down as many as four generations), we are walking time-bombs in terms of failing health. This concept can be better understood through the application of scalar energy to the body. Scalar Qi is a revolutionary microcurrent accessory that is innovating the way we address stubborn health conditions. This is important because hydrogen bonds are crucial to our bodys ecosystem as they hold our DNA together. I actually had to build up a tolerance before I could listen to the full hour. The Iyashi Zero Point Energy Wand is truly one of the most brilliant Scalar Products I have every used. The old methodology of treating the symptoms of dis-ease is being rapidly being replaced by more informed thinking. In later years, several researchers including Andrija Puharich conducted experiments to determine the effects of scalar energy on the human body. I have been able to notice many shifts and changes with it., D. V. B. You can think of it as recharging a lithium battery as you may suddenly feel rejuvenated and refreshed. I will listen to it indefinitely. It has taken nine years of development and is nowHERE The Quantum scalar Box, lovingly known as The QSB A Tesla-inspired Vibrational Healing and De-Stress Device which is unique to Life Energy Solutions there is nothing else like it available today. It was the first astral projection that I was comfortable with. Reduces pain and inflammation. Most importantly, these Schumann Resonances help you balance out your bodys electrical potential which keeps your cells functioning. He believed that if harnessed correctly, this energy can offer endless possibilities. Its a long and often grueling process and, unfortunately, sometimes doesnt work. In this healing process, individuals bathe in high dense, superconductive coherent energy fields while being infused with restorative information. Ian Gregson on TrustPilot. ", "Hi, great programs having also used Holosync and Brainwave over the years. Note: You can receive one Free Scalar Link Cable Extensionwhen buying a Spooky2 Scalar Extended Link Cable. Thanks again for your kindness and generosity.". To that end, we offer a money-back guarantee on all of our products. Biofeedback is a way that can listen to your body and discover what frequencies are best suited for you. Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar and Rife scalar. Got a technical or other issue that needs input here is the place to post it. - Senergy Wellness Group 972-580-0545 Open: Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm Speak to an advisor SHOP NOW What is Scalar Energy? All Life Energy Solutions products are individually made, and are not factory produced, so each item is as unique as we are. Well Scalar Energy or also known as Zero Point Energy play a big part in energetic healing that has to do with vibrational frequencies, since Zero Pointenergy remains when other sources of energy are removed it helps keep the optimum vibration balance in the bodies system when it is set in contact with or around the body. Simple to use just plug it in to start the Solfeggio frequency cycle. They are created to address different areas of concern and there are many available. Now there are plenty of people out there with advice for us as to what we can do about stress and some of it is good meditation is an obvious one massage is another this will help us remove the stress from thats locked up in our muscles so what if you could massage at a deeper level? designs Ltd products are individually made, and are not factory produced, so The nervous system is extremely sensitive to things called electromagnetic . However, due to it being labeled as alternative medicine, it hasnt received proper public attention. Spooky2 Scalar accepts any frequency from the massive Spooky2 database. They increase the connection between that universal energy (or God) which is limitless, without time and space, and your awareness of it, to use it in order to manifest whatever you want to manifest, whether it s health, wealth, happiness or whatever. If you are sick, please consult your chosen qualified health-care practitioner. In my experience, hernias are always a complicated case because you need to get the organ back in place and then heal the area enough so it holds. So simple to use - just plug it in to start the Solfeggio frequency cycle. Scalar therapy utilizes scalar energy frequencies that can help you enhance, protect and balance your autonomic nervous system. I am constantly updating this website to find what works best for you! I consider your entrainment programs quite strong and powerful! What is Scalar Energy? Email: support@spooky2scalar.com Phone: +86 25 57037030 Address: Room 2003, G-5 Building, Himalaya Business Centre G, Ningnan Street, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China 210022. I don't want Well that is what the QSB is and that is what it will do! My hands were also tingling and felt hot ( I used to do a lot of energy healing so felt lovely!). You can use this kit to improve your energy level and balance your chakras. I have been having some issues recovering from surgery and I have had sleep issues for years; primarily initially falling asleep. Absolutely wonderful!! The old methodology of treating the symptoms of dis-ease is being rapidly being replaced by more informed thinking. QSB Quantum Scalar Box. It features a wide array of technology that other wands just cannot come close to. EMF or Electro-Magnetic Frequency pollution is currently at levels of over 100 million times that of 50 years ago in most cities. A Tesla-inspired Vibrational Healing and De-Stress Device which is unique to Life Energy Solutions - there is nothing else like it available today. In the field of medicine, scalar waves for healing are ideal because medically scalar energy can break down any molecular bonds of fungi and bacteria. The QSB is capable of being connected to a smartphone or tablet. These frequencies can span anywhere from 7.38Hz to 33.8Hz. There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: Where there is free flow, there is no pain or disease.. The fields produced by Spooky2 Scalar are strong. Scalar Energy Pendants are great for when you are on the go and want continuous natural energy throughout your day to align the Chakras of the body and soul. All Life Energy Solutions products are individually made, and are not factory produced, so each item is as unique as we are. As a result, once your body gets into the grounding phase it becomes capable of repairing and healing itself. It's the use of science as nature intended. Are you coaching, assisting or consulting clients? Scalar energy treatment eliminates this undesirable debris from the area, giving you a fresh canvas for healing. There is plenty of information on this site for those new to this subject. But we need help, the QSB is perfect for this. ", "Ive been using the Happiness! It is an innovative leap into de-stressing and healing ourselves at a causal level. All the results of these tests showed that Spooky2 Scalar inhibited the growth of cancer cells. Scalar waves or scalar therapy have the potential to do wonders for our bodies and mind. The QSB, inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla, is a life energy, zero-point energy, frequency generator. Spooky 2 Scalar is the first scalar energy device to provide three different methods of transmitting healing scalar waves: pure scalar, molecular scalar, and Rife scalar. How does it work? All Life Energy You can obtain protection and healing potential by wearing one of our Scalar Energy Products. Generates Scalar Energy Waves that energize our cells, balance bodily systems, strengthen the body, produce healing energy, and penetrate deeper into the vital organs . We showed you briefly what stress will do to this the blood cells here are some pictures (below) of before and after when we tested this technology on a group of eight subjects now this is what this technology can do in just thirty minutes see how much stress there is in the blood this this sixteen-year-old male before and after look how that how individuated the cells are after just 30 minutes this represents complete distressing of the body this was the result or a similar result for everybody that took part in the test. How amazing it is!. Also, it seems that during both in-person meetings as well as telephone meetings, I seem to know exactly what to say and the proper response to each question that prospects and clients have, right away. If not, maybe you better readthis page first. I currently own eleven of them and still going! These negative Ion bracelets help you boost your energy and your long term health through negative ion technology. There is a concept known as God consciousness that connects everything and defines and gives structure to our 3-dimensional reality we call the universe. Before I had your product I was generally a grumpy moody person. It is also useful in reducing feelings that are associated with negative habits, and helps detoxify cells and promote relaxation. I would recommend NeuralSync to anyone looking for a clear, brightly energetic state of mind, a calm intuitiveness that knows not only when to attend to things, but what proportion of effort is These can also be called life-energy waves. Some benefits of using the bracelet includes: Increased activity. You can choose which of these best suits your needs. As a result, once your body gets into the grounding phase it becomes capable of repairing and healing itself. It will also include free access to all future webinars relating to the QSB/ Frequencies also with other speakers on aligned topics. This cable allows the two scalar boxes to be placed further apart, producing a larger, wider zeppelin-shaped scalar field. The main background is the soft sound of rain, but there are also obviously additional frequencies favorably affecting the psyche. However, despite many benefits, some people still find the idea of scalar waves for healing hard to grasp. Scalar wave technology (like the Via Qi) is instrumental in the treatment of stubborn conditions like: Dr. John Hache recently shared a story about his experience with resolving a patients hernia with scalar wave energy. Albert Einstein then continued Maxwells work and eventually discovered The Theory of Relativity.. Scalar Healing - Biri Thousands of users have received relief from fatigue and become energized after sitting or lying in the scalar field . I like that recollecting things is so much easier and quicker now and I love the mental clarity that comes along with it. I got more evidence of that this morning when I went to church and was moved in a way I am normally not. We want you to rest assured that these devices are genuine, are high-quality, and work. Scalar waves are all around us. Please enter key search to display results. They regulate all parts of your bodily system, and each of these has a direct correlation to a persons physical body. So, I thought that Id give it a try. Thank you for the very prompt delivery of our QSB!! ", "I listened to this at noon. The QSB provides scalar (life) energy/Zero-point energy and has the Solfeggio Healing Frequencies in-built. Neat eh? They naturally occur in nature, for example, in food, DNA, etc., and are non-Hertzian and non-linear waves. You will notice in my tables that I frequently List Negative Ions and BFIT Infusion as criteria. You can use this kit to improve your energy level and balance your chakras. Radiating energy from scalar waves has positive impacts on the brain which affects neurotransmitters and improves mental focus. Why is it significant that scalar energy operates on an hourglass shape? "What a wonderful surprise! Taking nine years of development the QSB is now HERE NOW - A Tesla-inspired Vibrational Healing and De-Stress Device, The Quantum scalar Box, lovingly known as The QSB is uniquely Life Energy Designs. Included in the Upgrade Pack is lifetime membership to a members-only forum, a place to share, where results will be compared, and knowledge expanded. There is plenty of information on this site for those new to this subject. Scalar Qi works to remove this debris from the area, giving you a clean slate to establish healing. Quantum Scalar Wave Lasers - Simpson Protocol Using scalar wave therapy with regenerative healing boosts other healing protocols like adequate nutrition, stress reduction, and quality sleep. Check out the blood cell analysis results below. ), and sometimes I just seem to lie in a zen state for an hour but not actually asleep. So far we have reviewed the Bio Magnetic Energy bracelet as well as the, Scalar Energy Pendants are great for when you are on the go and want continuous natural energy throughout your day to align the Chakras of the body and soul. As we'll find, scalar energy is just another use of healing energy. These frequencies can span anywhere from 7.38Hz to 33.8Hz. Dont get me wrong,these programs have their good qualities and are effective in bringing about a positive state of mind after all, its only because we have issues to resolve that we turn to these entrainment methods. All experienced users and people who have the same issues are here waiting to help you go through all your problems. On the other hand, recall has improved noticeably. Health benefits are possible by exposing the human body to beneficial scalar energy frequencies: Eliminate and nullify the effects of man-made frequencies (60 cps) in the human body. I didn't know I had so much going on in my chakras. But this is not easy - we need help, the QSB is perfect for this. My close rate went from around 55% up to over 80% since I have been using the audio. ", The videos are amazing, top-of-the-line, best-in-the-business. He demonstrated the existence of scalar energy and harnessed it without using any wires or cables. Increase the energy level of body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt range. The scalar energy can carry information that can be used for healing purposes. As I mentioned, I have used radionics and brain entrainment for more than two decades, so while the experience was intense for about 5 hours (at which time it dissipated) I also knew that it was working. ", "I just bought the sleep / healing track and had a positive experience on my first listen. True healing is done by ourselves. Warmest Regards., R. M. Praise for ETERNAL YOUTH and EXTRAORDINARY INTUITION, I couldnt believe the CD was so INTENSE! To see reviews on the, Life Energy Designs Scalar Healing Wand Review, The Iyashi Negative Ion Scalar Energy Pendant Review, Iyashi Negative Ion Scalar Energy Pendant, Life Energy Designs Scalar Crystal Jewellery, Helps aid with energy circulation within the body, Clears Negative energy you may be experiencing (both from yourself and others), Provides EMF Protection (See this Article), Reduces the experience of jet lag which aids in recovery, Promotes Positivity around ones self which can be contagious to other people, Reduces the effects of fatigue and drowsiness, Beneficial for both Plants and Animals including pets, houseplants.